MTDATA Downloads
The latest version of MTDATA is 7.6, released 20 November 2024.
Summary of changes in Versions 7.5 and 7.6
- Fix to output of aqueous interactions. (#152)
- Fix to system search routine, failed if system passed as constant in API. (#148)
- Fix to real to char conversion, caused some species names to be too long in new oxide database.
- Modification to handling of subscripted keywords to handle -ve charged substance names. (#151)
- Extra checks on numeric parameters when loading metafile in Studio. (#98)
- Database name removed from output during search.
- A miscibility gap classification cannot be added to the Aqueous phase in a database. [#133]
- Floating point exceptions in Aqueous models at high and low temperatures. Related error messages being printed directly to screen during calculations. [#134 #135]
- Temperatures in BINARY invariants file are now in user selected units rather than Kelvin. [#137]
- Fixed formatting of real values. In particular case invariant temperature in BINARY was shown as asterisks. [#138]
- Mismatch between diagram and legend in BINARY for experimental symbols S and T. [#142]
- Now handles metafile labels containing quote characters. [#144]
- Fixed error when setting user variable to exp. [#147]
- Improvements to symbols in Studio. Now has full set for all letters and numbers.
- Other general code and build quality improvements.