MTDATA Studio - Stepped Calculations
These are Multiphase calculations in MTDATA Classic. (link to classic multiphase module)
Setup phases etc as required.
Go to the multiphase calculation tab
select type of calculation, stepped temperature, stepped composition, fixed enthalpy
set compositions and temperature range
click calculate
Calculation Progress Window
During calculation window appears showing the progress of a calculation. Gives the current step and any warning or error messages generated so far. Clicking the \userinterface{Cancel} button will end the calculation once the current step is finished.
Once the calculation has finished the window remains on screen so the user can check any messages, and the button changes to \userinterface{Load Result}. Clicking this will close the progress window and load the plot file, which will open the Multiphase plotting window.
Multiphase Plotting
This shows an example of a stepped temperature plot.
Properties that can be plotted
axis limits