MTDATA Studio - Menus, Toolbars and Options
File Menu
New Thermodynamic Datafile
- Opens the new system search window. Details about using this window are in the searching databases section.
New StatMech File
- Open a new blank StatMech file. For more information see section \ref{sec:StatMech}.
- Open a new file using the standard open dialog.
- Close the current window.
Save As
Save the current window with a new name using a standard Windows save dialog.
For graphics windows the possible formats are:
MTDATA metafile (*.mta)
A text format file that is easy to edit.Portable Network Graphics (*.png)
A compressed bitmap format, size can be set in the options dialog.Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)
Standard windows bitmap, size can be set in the options dialog.Enhanced Windows Metafile (*.emf)
Standard windows enhanced metafile.
Recent Files
- Show a list of recently opened files.
- Exit MTDATA Studio. The user will be asked if they want to save any modified files.
Edit Menu
Copy as Metafile
- Copy the current graphics window to the Windows clipboard as a Windows Metafile.
Copy as Bitmap
- Copy the current graphics window to the Windows clipboard as a bitmap. The size of the bitmap can be set in the options dialog.
Tools Menu
Classic Interface
- Open MTDATA Classic, for more information see section \ref{sec:MTDATA-Classic}.
Permit Info
- Open a dialog showing information about the computer, this is required for licensing.
- Open the option dialog. For more information see section \ref{sec:Studio-Options}.
Windows Menu
The standard Windows menu with options to select or arrange windows.
Help Menu
- Show information about MTDATA Studio version, runtime versions, and current user details.
Classic Interface
- Open MTDATA Classic (see section MTDATA Classic).
Graphics Windows Context Menu
Open Magnifier Window
- Open the magnifier window for the current graphics window, see \ref{sub:Magnifier} for more information about the magnifier window.
- Reload the current graphics window from it's associated MTDATA metafile. This can be used to update the graphics window with any changes made to the file. This option will only be available if the graphics window was loaded from an MTDATA metafile or has been saved to an MTDATA metafile.
Copy as bitmap
- Copy the current graphics window as a Windows bitmap. The width of the bitmap is set in the options.
Copy as metafile
- Copy the current graphics window as a Windows metafile.