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Other Info

This is older unedited info from main MTDATA introduction.

Installation, customising and file management

The installation and customisation of MTDATA are covered by the System Management Guide. For data to day purposes, the user can modify operation in two main ways.

Changing the menu of databases

The mtconfig.txt file contains a menu of databases together with their aliases which can be modified by the user. The user can add to the databases using the UTILITY module and can change their priority by changing the order in which they are listed in mtconfig.txt. A text editor can be used for this purpose. Users can elect to have individual mtconfig.txt files in a number of work areas or to use the default file in the MTDATA directory

Use of MTDATA configuration variables

The mtsignon.txt file is used to initialise a number of variables that modify certain features of MTDATA. The variables can be changed from the command line of MTDATA by an entry such as [HCPY=EPS. Capitals must be used before, and in most cases, after the equals sign. The list of MTDATA configuration variables current at the time of writing this handbook is given below. When an configuration variable is changed interactively, two carriage returns may be required with no intervening prompt. In the following list the default option is given first. "blank" means that the mtsignon.txt normally contains no entry. The reader should refer to the System Management Guide and the notes provided with new versions of MTDATA for additions or modifications to the list given here.

[ATTNCHR [/<any ascii character accessible from the keyboard> 
the function supplied by [ as a prefix to configuration 
variables can be transferred to any other character by 
changing the value of ATTNCHR, for example for the 
purpose of providing compatibility with various 
[TER Eg: [TER=VGA(81,900,720) indicates VGA mode 81, 900 
x 720 pixels. 
BATCH is used in macros and demo in rolling 
Macros will fail to run if they contain any error but will 
continue processing if [MACRO=CONTINUE. 
the option specifies the nature of the graphics output 
file. PostScript, HPGL and Tektronix 4010 are supported 
by many types of printers and plotters. EPS is used if 
encapsulated PostScript is required. The optional codes 
<init> and <close> refer to initialisation and close codes 
needed by particular printers. 
[METAFILE blank/<name of metafile>/NUL: 
specifies the name of a text file that can be edited if 
desired and replotted by the utility module 
[BELL 20/<number of iterations between bells>/NONE 
specifies the frequency of the bell that normally bleeps 
every 20 iterations of MULTIPHASE 
[PAGE 24/<number of lines between page breaks> 
can be modified to suit the number of lines that can be 
accommodated on the screen 
in horizontal menus the items are grouped four to a line 
when a solution phase has mixing on only one 
sublattice in the chosen system the selection of 
SIMPLIFY presents the data as though there was no 
sublattice structure. 
[IMPLICIT_COMPONENT NONE/<name of implicit component> 
if, for example, IMPLICIT_COMPONENT=/­, "/­" is 
added to the system names when this is defined in the 
ACCESS or calculation modules 
if MISSING_DATA is set to FAIL, any missing binary 
interaction data are appended as zero to the .mpi file 
generated when data are retrieved by the ACCESS 
module and each data set is preceded by a warning line 
which must be removed for the file to be loaded by 
MULTIPHASE or the other calculation modules. If the 
flag is set to NO the missing binary data are appended 
as zeros and warning information stored at the end of 
the file. In such cases phases with missing data would 
initially be classified as absent on being read into 
MULTIPHASE or the other calculation modules. 
[ENDCHR %/<any ascii character accessible from the keyboard> 
the function of % in concatenating a line to the next can 
be transferred to any other character by changing the 
value of ENDCHR for example by entering 
HISTORY is not strictly a configuration variable. Its 
function is to provide immediate traceability 
information. See Section 3.5. 
[DBOS (PCs only) gives a memory use report including paging 
[HLTn where n=1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Controls text highlight codes 
used for error messages etc. 
FOREGROUND (PC only) Controls foreground VGA/EGA graphics 
n 1 n 2 n 3 n 4 n 5 n 6 colours. The six numbers should be entered on the 
following line. 
BACKGROUND (PC only) Controls background VGA/EGA graphics 
n 1 colours. The number should be entered on the following 

Files used and generated by MTDATA

MTDATA uses and generates many types of file, details of which are given below. The file names given here apply to PC versions. There will be some variations for other operating systems, which may also generate files with operating system version numbers. In these cases earlier output files are not overwritten as are some files on PCs. The location information is not rigid and in any case it is often useful to have different work areas for different projects. Further information is given in the System Management Guide. name function location permanence similar in content to system management guide mtdata p sgm000.exe executable image of MTDATA mtdata p mtdata.hlp help file mtdata* p menu?? menu files, up to 16 in all mtdata* p mtdata.bat batch file for running MTDATA mtdata m mtbanner.txt MTDATA introductory screen mtdata* p mtsignon.txt User preference file work* m mtconfig.txt User database directory and aliases work* m mtsymes.txt System message file mtdata* op,m mtpermit.txt authorisation for user and organisation on a particular computer mtdata p mtstart.txt startup macro file mtdata op,u mtmode.txt selects interactive or batch operation mtdata u app*.mac resident applications (some have other root names eg scheil.mac) mtdata p ldbname.dbs database leased with MTDATA eg DEMO01, SGSUB, SGSOL mtdata p ldbname.inx database index files for ldbname.dbs mtdata p username.dbs users own databases work m username.inx indexes to users databases work m username.loa users database source files: the extension may vary eg *.dbl source m misbin.dbl file generated by ACCESS containing zero entries for missing interactions work ov *.mpi datafile generated by ACCESS: the default is def.mpi work a *.mpr results file from MULTIPHASE: rootname from .mpi file work ov *.gph graphics results file: rootname from .mpi file work a *.nbr binary results file: rootname from .mpi file work a *.tnr ternary results file: rootname from .mpi file work a

name function location permanence *.fap fitandplot input file work a *.fit fitandplot results file work a *.exp binary/gplot/ternary experimental data work a *.gky key to .gph files work a *.gtb tabulated output based on .gph file work a *.mta or *.mtf text metafile of graphics data work a isopleth.txt intermediate file generated by the isopleth application work ov adiab.txt results from adiabatic application work ov,a *.mac user generated macro file: extensions other than .mac are possible work u mt???.log log of user input for current session to provide traceability work a plot???.out graphical output file for copying to plotter or printer work a plot000.cnt counter for plot???.out files work u count.lis counter for .gph files work u count.rep counter for .tnr files work u mtlog.cnt counter for MT???.log files work u copout.dat summarised output from coplot work ov mtload.err utility module load_data error report file work ov,e trash.txt holds warning messages that could spoil a diagram work ov,e *.txt an editable text file work t *.eps preferred name for plot files in encapsulated PostScript work a Key: * files will be used that exist in the current directory, otherwise the path given by MTDATA_PREFIX will be employed or, if none has been set up, the first file encountered in the existing path. p permanent: do not delete or modify m maintain: may be modified but not deleted: retain copy of the original u user file: modify or delete at users discretion a archive before deletion, these are mostly the results from calculations e error file: contains temporary information on errors: examine if errors are detected op optional file, may be deleted, retain copy ov overwritten by later calculations. Results files are overwritten if the current .mpi file has the same root name.

Utility Software (PC only)

The management of files and other aspects of using MTDATA can be facilitated by means of established Utilities for locating text and files, for capturing screen images etc. A very incomplete list of some useful utilities is given below all but one of which (GOSCRIPT) can be obtained as shareware and used for a modest cost. These utilities may not work with all equipment; no guarantee of suitability is given. PKZIP for compressing and archiving files from PKWare Inc, available in UK from Shareware Marketing, 3a Queen St. Seaton, Devon, EX12 2NY England. Tel 0297 24088; Fax 0297 24091 SST for location and management of files, eg find and optionally delete plot*.out files for the last two days: Keith Ledbetter 4240 Ketcham Drive, Chesterfield, VA 23832, USA. CompuServe: 72240,1221 COMMANDO for retrieval and editing of previous keyed entries: Brent McPherson. SCROLLIT for scrolling over previous calculations and for capturing text information from the screen in MTDATA: Bromfield Software Products, 797 Somerset Street West, Post Office Box 57044, Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA K1R 1A1 GOSCRIPT for converting text and graphics PostScript for printing on a variety of printers: Laser Go Inc, 9369 Carroll Park Drive, Suite A, San Diego, CA 92121 USA, Tel: 619 450 4600, Fax: 619 450 9334, or major software retailers.

3 Program Structure and Operation

3.1 Module level

All modules within MTDATA share a common user interface, which is essentially command­ driven with on­screen help. User control operates at four levels of user awareness. The prompt tells the user very briefly the current level. For example at the top level the prompt asks what module the user wishes to select. The users responses here are given in italic sans serif font and are assumed to be terminated by a carriage return. Entry of a question mark gives a menu of the keywords and other user options at any point. WHICH MODULE ? ? ACCESS MULTIPHASE GPLOT BINARY TERNARY APPLICATION THERMOTAB COPLOT FITANDPLOT UNARY UTILITY VERSION EXIT The above menu appears on entry of a question mark and the prompt returns. To leave MTDATA from the module level the user enters exit. Information about the current version of MTDATA can be obtained by entry of version. Help is obtained for any one of these options by entry of the option name preceded by a question mark. For example to learn about THERMOTAB WHICH MODULE ? ?thermotab The user interface will accept any unique abbreviation. Thus in the above example WHICH MODULE ? th is acceptable but WHICH MODULE ? t is not sufficient, as the "t" could stand for THERMOTAB or TERNARY. The correct entry will cause the programme to move to the THERMOTAB module and to issue a prompt at the COMMAND level: WHICH MODULE ? th THERMOTAB OPTION ? JANUARY 1994 GENERAL INTRODUCTION page 14 MTDATA HANDBOOK

3.2 Command Level

On entering a module, the menu of commands can be obtained by entry of a question mark, for example, for THERMOTAB: THERMOTAB OPTION ? ? AUTOBALANCE DEFINE STATUS USE_DATABASE SET STEP PLOT TABULATE AMEND SAVE_DATA LIST QUANTIFY GO RETURN <'Macro name'> Again, this menu can be displayed by entry of a question mark (section 4), and the current module is indicated by a change in the prompt, in this case to: THERMOTAB OPTION ? An appropriate response would be any of the keywords in the list or their unambiguous abbreviations. Some command keywords bring immediate response without further entry apart from carriage return. For example: In THERMOTAB, entry of go results in tabulation and/or plotting of thermodynamic functions. Entry of status yields the value of such parameters as temperature and pressure, and indicates which database(s) and substance(s) have been selected. In all modules return moves the user back from the command to the module level. Each of these keywords is typed in and followed immediately by . The majority of command keywords, however, require a series of parameters with their associated values followed by an exclamation mark ! to complete them. It is this set of modifiers which constitutes the third level of the program. 3.3 Parameter/value level Most command keywords must be followed by a valid series of parameters and values and be terminated by !. What constitutes a valid series depends upon the option selected. The stop option is always available; it is used to abort a command. The main purpose of this section is not to give exhaustive examples for each option keyword ­ details for these can be found in section 5 of the appropriate module guide ­ but to illustrate the two main styles available for entries by the user. Perhaps the easier of the two methods for beginners or intermittent users, is to allow the program to act as a guide through the entry. A typical conversation, using THERMOTAB as an example, would be: THERMOTAB OPTION ? tabulate TABULATE allows the user to define the destination of the output GENERAL INTRODUCTION JANUARY 1994 MTDATA HANDBOOK page 15 TABULATE OPTION ? ? TERMINAL FILE TITLE STOP Keyword options or prompts are always available TABULATE OPTION ? terminal TABULATE AT TERMINAL, ENTER YES OR NO yes This sequence causes the output to go to the terminal TABULATE OPTION ? ! Each command sequence must be terminated by ! THERMOTAB OPTION? Other methods of obtaining on­screen help are reviewed in section 4 and a quick guide is given in section 8. A briefer form of interaction is more appropriate for the user familiar with THERMOTAB, its options and parameters. The above conversation could be replaced by one line of the format: