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The MTDATA package includes a number of utilities for creating, loading and listing databases. Facilities are also incorporated for personalising access to particular databases and for customising graphics output as exemplified in some of the graphs below. The box shows as an example part of a source datafile to be incorporated into a database by UTILITY.

Cr/+3,Ni/+2:Va<LIQUID*> E/J 
298.150 2 
­1.2760000E+03 ­5.3873000E+00 
2.6990000E+03 0.0000000E+00 
0 0 


The ACCESS module is designed to be used as a data retrieval system for MULTIPHASE, GPLOT, BINARY, TERNARY, APPLICATION and COPLOT, with which it shares common features. The components, which may be elements, compounds or charged species, are entered and the databases are searched for all the substances which might be present in the system at equilibrium. In a large system this could run to many hundreds of substances, many of which may not be very relevant to a particular application and may therefore be excluded. ACCESS allows the user to remove these substances from consideration completely, and to choose from which databases the data for the remaining substances are to be retrieved on an individual basis. There may also be a need to select from alternative models for solution phases. Once the data for the system have been edited into a form which satisfies the user, they can be saved to a file which can then be read by the calculation modules for subsequent processing.

ACCESS OPTION ? define system 'Fe,Cr,Ni,C' source sgsol ! 
SEARCHING DATABASE(S) : SGSOL ­ SGTE Solution Database 3.0 ­ 2/2/93 
ACCESS OPTION ? list sys phases ! The list has been greatly abbreviated 


MULTIPHASE is a module for the calculation of multiphase, multicomponent equilibria. Phases may include alloys, molten salts, gases, aqueous solutions, slags, mattes and pure stoichiometric substances in combination. Calculations may be made at constant pressure or volume with a fixed system composition; alternatively, constraints may be placed on the equilibrium system in terms of variables such as mole fraction in a phase, partial pressure and molality. Data for the calculations are read either from specified databases, or from a previously prepared datafile; this may be precompiled by using the ACCESS module.

Output, in the form of tabulated equilibrium amounts and mole fractions of each of the substances present at equilibrium, for each of the temperatures specified, is sent both to the terminal and to a file. Graphical output can be invoked from within MULTIPHASE in order to plot the amounts, mole fractions, partial pressures, component partition between phases and activities as a function of stepped or dependent variables. Results may be presented in mole or weight terms.


The main function of THERMOTAB is to act as the user interface to the internal database management system of MTDATA. At present all data can be inspected but calculations involving equations are available only for pure substances, gases and dilute aqueous species.

The UTILITY module should be used for data management for solution phases. UNARY, GPLOT and MULTIPHASE can be used to obtain tabulations and plots.

Fe3O4 + 3 H/+<aq> = 1/2 O2<g> + 3 Fe(OH)/+<aq> 
T Delta Cp Delta H Delta S Delta G Beta 
K J/K mol J/mol J/K mol J/mol ­DG/RTln10 
298.15 13.277 1.48680E+05 ­133.27 1.88413E+05 ­33.008 
373.15 10.914 1.49606E+05 ­130.49 1.98297E+05 ­27.758 
473.15 0.21007 1.50253E+05 ­128.90 2.11243E+05 ­23.320 
573.15 ­22.630 1.49241E+05 ­130.77 2.24193E+05 ­20.432 

THERMOTAB provides output of the Thermodynamic functions Cp, S, G, H, Phi = ­(G­H)/T and Beta = ­G/RTln10, over a range of temperatures specified by the user, for pure substances or for chemical reactions between pure substances. The output can be produced in tabular or graphical form, and may be displayed on the screen or saved to a file. Hard copy can be obtained by routing the file to a local or networked printer or plotter. The module also allows data to be copied from the reference databases provided, modified by the user, and used to compile private or specialised databases.


UNARY is used in data development, for example the provision of data for a liquid below the melting temperature of the pure substance. It is also useful in the graphical comparison of data from different sources or different phases.


GPLOT is used mainly for plotting but also for tabulating thermodynamic functions of phases of all types. The main application lies in the development of data for binary systems which can include systems between compounds.

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Al­Ti x Ti Temperature / K Al Ti BCC_A 2 LIQUID TIAL TI 3 AL AL 3 TI AL 1 1TI 5 AL 2 1TI HCP_A 3


The BINARY module is used for the calculation and plotting of binary phase diagrams, mainly as an aid to data assessment and validation. The data are retrieved in the same way as with the ACCESS module. The user sets up the calculation by specifying the temperature range and he may subsequently select parts of the diagram for closer inspection.

Labelling of single or two phase regions is very simple. Key information on phase boundaries is given numerically and hard copy can readily be obtained.


Fe­Cr­Ni 1023 K 1.01325E5 Pa Fe Cr Ni 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Cr x Ni Fe Plotted 14:51:48 11­JAN­94 Data file FeCrNi.MPI Results file FeCrNi54.TNR Log file C:MTDATAMTWORKMT442.LOG SIGMA FCC_A 1 BCC_A 2 BCC_A

The TERNARY module is used to plot ternary phase diagrams. Data may be retrieved directly databases or from a datafile compiled using the ACCESS module. The user may optionally specify a starting point on the ternary diagram for the calculations to begin; thereafter the computations required for the graph to be plotted can be entirely automatic. The diagram can be in weight or mole % and miscibility gaps can be calculated. Areas can readily be labelled and diagrams reorientated. The resulting plot is shown on the terminal

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 NaCl KCl KI NaI NaCl­NaI­KCl­KI 850 K 1.01325E5 Pa Plotted 12:21:14 10­JAN­94 Data file DEF.MPI Results file DEF22.TNR Log file C:MTDATASALTSMT8.LOG and written to a file. Hard copy of the plot can be obtained by routing the contents of the file to a local plotter. The graphical interactive user interface is compatible with many types of equipment. Two diagrams produced by TERNARY are illustrated: a standard ternary diagram for the Fe­Cr­Ni system and a reciprocal plot for the NaCl­NaI­KCl­KI system. 1.9 APPLICATION 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ­35 ­30 ­25 ­20 ­15 ­10 fno118 14:02:36 23­JUL­93 mol fraction Cr of (Cr + Fe) log 10 pO2 / atm COR SPL + COR HAL + SPL SPL SPL SPL + SPL BCC + SPL BCC + SIG BCC + SIG BCC BCC BCC + COR HAL


APPLICATION allows MULTIPHASE to be used for a variety of purposes as illustrated below: including making arbitrary sections through systems, finding the temperatures of phase transitions for individual compositions and the preparation of Scheil plots. The facility is provided for users to develop their own process modelling software for linking to MTDATA.

The Ca 2 SiO 4 ­Mg 2 SiO 4 system is not a true binary. The diagram takes account of the fact that the composition of the liquid and halite phases do not lie along the binary join. 0 10 20 30 40 50 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 fe_p.mpi 10­JAN­94 14:19:11 Pressure GPa Temperature / K Triple points found 1: .5141E+10 Pa 1979.7 K 2: .1046E+11 Pa 756.6 K Data fe_p.mpi Log mt2327.log Plotted 14:19:11 10­JAN­94 LIQUID FCC_A 1 HCP_A 3 BCC_A 2 BCC_A An application is also used to calculate and plot temperature­pressure diagrams, in this case for pure iron. Multicomponent diagrams may also be produced. GENERAL INTRODUCTION JANUARY 1994 MTDATA HANDBOOK page 7 ­30 ­25 ­20 ­15 ­10 ­5 0 ­20 ­15 ­10 ­5 0 U­O­F 1800 K log p O2 log p F UOF UO2F UOF2 UO2F2 UOF3 UF UF2 UF4 UF5 UF6 UO2 UO UO3 U 1.10 COPLOT COPLOT is used for plotting predominance area diagrams (also called Pourbaix and phase stability diagrams) for systems of stoichiometric substances and up to 10 components. The potential of two of the components are the independent axis variables, others may have fixed potentials and at least one component is specified by amount. The output comprises a plot showing the fate of this or these component(s) as a function of the remainder. This type of plot is much used b y c o r r o s i o n s c i e n t i s t s a n d hydrometallurgists. 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 140 160 180 200 SUBST: Na2SO4, DATAFILE temp TOL = 0.2567 T / K A + BT + CT 2 + DT ­2


FITANDPLOT is used for fitting compiled thermodynamic data to user defined mathematical functions. It incorporates checking for typing errors and can also be used for converting data already in the form of an equation to a different function.