Introduction to MTDATA
The main purpose of this introduction is to describe features of MTDATA that are central to its function, namely its modular character, databases, user control and help facilities. Another purpose is to provide a guide to the location of other information, for example on installation and data management that are dealt with more fully in other parts of the handbook.
Limitations of MTDATA
Although MTDATA can be used as a aid for teaching metallurgical thermochemistry, it is primarily a tool for use by informed research workers and process designers. The user has a great many options at their disposal and may perform calculations on data from a variety of sources. Not all combinations of options nor all combinations of data with these options will have been or can be tested. For this reason it is not possible to be certain that MTDATA will perform any particular calculation correctly and therefore no guarantee is given or implied to that effect. The user can minimise the risk of error by checking the results of calculations against existing knowledge, for example by making calculations on compositions and for conditions similar to those for which well established experimental data are available or for which experience of plant operation has already been gained.
Overview of MTDATA
MTDATA is the NPL databank for metallurgical thermochemistry. It is used as a tool in the analysis of diverse problems in chemistry, metallurgy and materials science, including, - extraction and recycling - alloy development - ceramics, glasses and composites - energy conversion - joining materials - materials processing - hot and aqueous corrosion - coating, etching and crystal growth - molten salt chemistry - electronic and magnetic materials - environmental control - aqueous and gas chemistry
Practical problems in these areas generally involve many chemical components, deliberate and accidental, as well as many possible product phases: gaseous, liquid and crystalline. The concept behind MTDATA is that the mathematical models incorporated in the software enable equilibria to be calculated on the basis of critically assessed data for simpler systems, which are usually better established. Thus using the facilities within MTDATA it is possible to explore compositions and conditions for which no direct experimental data exist. Because MTDATA is an interactive system with an easily learned and forgiving control system, scientists and engineers aware of the significance of phase equilibria for their practical concerns will find MTDATA of great potential utility. It is normally configured as a research tool but it can be modified if required to allow for interaction with an external process, for example for the purpose of process control.
MTDATA comprises a suite of related modules which retrieve thermodynamic data from databases and perform specified calculations on the data. The databases may be provided with the package or maintained by the user. A summary of the functions of some of the modules is given below.
An important feature of MTDATA is the maintenance of a system of traceability that is compatible with total quality management. For this purpose a log is maintained of all user interaction as described in Section 3.5.
Words such as element, component, substance, compound, species, condensed, phase and solution will be encountered frequently in this guide. A glossary of terms is provided in Section 9 of this Introduction.
MTDATA is available for implementation on VAX/VMS, a number of UNIX systems and Personal Computers incorporating the 80386 (preferably with the 80387 coprocessor) or the 80486 processor with a minimum of 4MB of random access memory. The operation under different operating systems and equipment is virtually identical and there is no difference in functionality. Other implementations can be undertaken.
MTDATA Interfaces
MTDATA graphical interface.
MTDATA Classic
Character interface to MTDATA, with integrated graphics.
MTDATA for Windows
Original MTDATA GUI, this is being phased out and is already mainly replaced by MTDATA Studio. Only remaining unique feature is a GUI for ternary isothermal section calculations.
- 64 bit versions
- Linux